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Every year PARCA holds a Festive Gift Appeal to make sure every child we support is able to receive a gift at Christmas time. Last year we were able to provide 187 gifts! We are looking for donations to make sure this is possible again in 2022.

Ways to Donate:

Amazon Wishlist

Monetary Donations
If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Festive Appeal you can donate via:
Bank Transfer
Account Name:
Peterborough Asylum and Refugee Community Association (PARCA)
Sort Code: 77-72-35
Account Number: 09638568
Reference: FestiveAppeal
Please note that any financial contributions will be used to purchase gifts that will be given out to the children we support.
You can drop off donations of gifts to our centre for our Festival Appeal. These can be new, and can be second-hand as long as they are in great condition and have no obvious signs of use and do not have broken parts.
Please contact PARCA to arrange a time to drop off your donations, by calling 01733 563420 or sending an email to

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